Human: What is visual illusions?
AI: Ohh, would you like me to go through a number of the most common types of illusions that can occur within our visual field?
Human: Yes, please!
AI: Ok. Well it's important to remember that the visual field encompasses a pretty wide range of your senses, like sight itself obviously, but also things like how much you can feel what you touch or even hear. One of the perhaps most common illusions is that we tend to think of ourselves as watching the world from a single point. But actually, every time you move your head around you're effectively changing your perspective on the world. Our brains try to fill in the gaps with image processing, but it also means that, when you stare at a particular object for long enough, your brains fills in different images based on what it expects to see. The other big thing to remember about illusions is that in any visual image, the brain really mostly wants to find edges between contrasting colors or tones. The reason why this is important to notice is that after the mind's eye identifies an edge, it makes a prediction as to how the path of the edge goes based on the colors you can see on either side of the edge. When they don't match up, the brain often tries to correct the disparity by creating a new color in your mind. Of course, this leads to results that aren't actually featured in reality. You also know that colors can actually take their names from two different categories. The first is what we call colorimetry, which means the numbers associated with the wavelengths of a particular color. For example, a wavelength of 506 nanometers of green light will be either more or less green based on the numbers associated with it. The second category is what we call color naming. These are the names we give to each specific color. They're not always based on the wavelengths of the colors themselves. In fact most people didn't even realize that for centuries! The Shepard illusion is another good example of what I mean. It's a regular straight line moving left and right. However, your eyes naturally want to interpret it as a little hill and valley, even though the actual image doesn't change from frame to frame. It's an effective way to show how quickly our brain can fill in visual sensory gaps! Also, keep in mind that it is critical to the functioning of these illusions to have high sensory contrast. Any illusion with very low contrast or particularly muddled colors is probably not going to work very well. To see what I mean, try pointing the camera on your phone at a blank white wall! One last thing to note is that even humans don't see an illusion the same way! Almost everyone can see the line as it's meant to be seen, but the disparity between our individual perspectives can be pretty extreme. For example, some people see the top edge of the vertical line moving left all the way while others might see it keep going flat. This suggests that there are differences in perception based on the sensitive ability to see angles in space. Just another example of how the visual system is astonishingly flexible and unpredictable.
Human: 錯視って何?
AI: では、私たちの視界に現れる最も一般的な錯覚の種類を説明しましょうか。
Human: お願いします。
AI: わかりました。視野は、視覚だけでなく、触覚や聴覚など、かなり広い範囲をカバーしていることを覚えておきましょう。最も一般的な錯覚のひとつは、私たちが世界を一点から見ていると思いがちなことです。しかし、実際には、頭を動かすたびに、世界を見る視点を効果的に変えているのです。私たちの脳は、画像処理によってそのギャップを埋めようとしますが、特定の物体を長時間見つめていると、脳が期待するものに基づいて異なるイメージを埋めてしまうということでもあります。